Flooding, runoff and ground and surface water pollution are local problems with national consequences. What we do locally affects our own families, businesses and communities, but it also carries impacts all the way to the Gulf of Mexico, contributing to the Gulf Dead Zone, which damages fisheries, harms local economies and drives up the cost of seafood. Wings2Water seeks to be a good steward of our local environment and in the process, helping the environment, residents and economies of our neighbors downstream.

Pollution & Runoff
- Contaminates surface and ground/drinking water
- Loads excessive nutrients and depletes oxygen
- Kills fish and destroys habitat locally and downstream
- Increases human health concerns like cancer
- Transfers fertile topsoil into waterways
- Reduces recreational value of waterways
- Produces excessive costs

Local Impact
Restoring wetlands is a proven solution to lowering the risk of severe flooding

Provide clean water for you and your kids to drink

Clean rivers and lakes for swimming, boating and fishing

Healthy Economies
Lower cost to taxpayers plus a boost to tourism & recreation

- Damages infrastructure, property, lives
- Spreads pollution
- Harms ecosystems
- Produces excessive costs